Print quality

All prints are produced in Poland with a company I have been using for years - their products are of absolute top quality.

Images are printed on an aluminium plate and then covered with acrylic glass. This has two advantages: it requires no framing and thus is ready to mount, and it looks absolutely gorgeous. It also is quite durable, should easily withstand decades without a noticeable drop in quality.

Unfortunately, the process comes with a disadvantage - the photo is quite big and a bit expensive to transport. For quality control each print needs to be sent twice, first from the printing facility to me for inspection, and then finally to you.

Each print is hand signed and numbered on the back plate.

Shipping and taxes

Worldwide shipping (with some limitations) and local Finnish taxes are included in the price.

If you live outside the European Union, you may need to pay import fees, local taxes and/or customs. Please check before ordering what additional costs you may end up paying.

Unfortunately, for humanitarian or other political reasons, shipping cannot be done to the following locations: Afghanistan, Belarus, China, Haiti, Lebanon, North Korea, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates. Any orders made to any of those locations will be cancelled. Because of the ongoing war shipping to Ukraine may take considerable time.

Unfortunately at the moment it is not possible to arrange a personal pick up of the prints.


Once you make and pay for your order, I will contact you within 2 to 3 days to confirm your choice. After you reply, photos go to print and will arrive to you in about 2 months.

Printing takes about 2 weeks - the time includes printing itself and then sending the photos to me for quality inspection. If there are problems with the print, the process will be repeated and you will be notified about the delay and the reasons behind it.

Once photos reach me, it takes anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks before they reach you. Every package is sent as a tracked, insured package by mail. You will naturally receive the tracking number as soon as the package gets to the post office.


Your order is custom-made just for you. This means that the 14-day cool-off period guaranteed by the European law does not apply.

However, I want you to be happy with the prints you ordered. If you do not like them, for any reason, you have 3 weeks to return them. Just contact me by email and we will arrange the details. I promise to do my best to cover the costs of shipping back, but I may not be able to do it in all cases - please be prepared to pay for shipping back. Please note that in order to receive refund the print must not be damaged in any way.


All payments are done via PayPal, in accordance with their terms and conditions.

If you prefer an alternative means of payment like bank transfer or barter, please get in touch.

You will receive a VAT invoice, issued by my company, for your order. This ensures everything stays legal, all taxes are paid, and you contribute to my retirement ;)

Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns about ordering prints, the prints themselves or issues related to shipping, ordering, and the like. Thank you!